Even though Cavanna has not been affected by any suspected case of the CO-VID19 we are strictly following our Government indications aimed at limiting the diffusion virus in north regions of Italy.

Since yesterday we are subject to some restrictions to the movements of people in and out the neighboring territories, but this is not slowing our activities. Thanks to the technological tools already in place, many of our employees, are fully equipped for ‘smart working', from Cavanna premises, home or any other place when they are.

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Cavanna wins the Innovation category of the award "From father to son - The taste of doing Business" 04/12/2018

Milan, December 3rd 2018 – The award ceremony of "From Father to son - the Taste of Making Enterprise – VIII Edition" was held on December 1st. An event promoted by CERIF – a research centre on family Enterprises in the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart – with the contribution of Credit Suisse, LCA Studio Legale, KPMG, Mandarin Capital Partners, Lombard International Assurance and the collaboration of the Commercial Chamber of Milan, Monza Brianza and Lodi and Sole24Ore.

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Inauguration du nouveau site Cavanna Ltda à Jundiaí (Brésil) 30/10/2017

Cavanna ne cesse de croître, pas seulement en Italie mais aussi au Brésil. Suite à l'extension inaugurée la semaine dernière mardi 24 octobre à Prato Sesia, nous avons également le plaisir de vous annoncer l'inauguration de l'établissement de Jundiaí (San Paolo).  

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