Cavanna Company Reorganization 08/01/2021

Effective January 1st, 2021, Cavanna Group will have an important corporate reorganization, with the declared objective of evolving towards an even greater use of its resources. Decision taken to overcome the difficult period of global health and economic crisis and resume the development path that has characterized the Group since its foundation.  

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Riccardo Cavanna has been appointed to the Vice Presidency, for the two-year period 2020-2022, and as President, for the two-year period 2022-2024, of Ucima. 16/07/2020

At the end of consultations with associated companies, the designation commission of Ucima (Union of Italian manufacturers of automatic packaging machines) has established that the two-year period 2020-2024 will see two entrepreneurs alternate in the presidency. 

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With reference to the decision of the Italian government to extend the shutdown of manufacturing industry to contain the COVID virus, Cavanna is working hard & operating to provide the main services in terms of spare parts, both essential and critical to all our customers. We are waiting to receive the definite authorization by the competent authorities.  

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