Cavanna: a company that invests in the future 26/09/2014

On September 24th, at Aula Magna "Istituto Tecnico Abate Lirelli" in Borgosesia, an official ceremony was held to present sophisticated robotic technology to the school. The ceremony took place with the Head of the School, Dr. Alberto Lovatto, the CEO of Cavanna, Dr. Riccardo Cavanna, and also included the staff who made possible the donation, professors and students from the institution. The celebration officially concluded with the signing of the documents necessary for the transfer of ownership of the Cavanna robot arm (Fanuc M430) to the Institute.

Cavanna, a leader in the packaging industry for flow pack technology, based in Prato Sesia, applies this type of robot for handling, assembly and packaging of food products. Robotics are becoming important, rather it has become extremely important, in many of Cavanna's customers factories. Recent surveys of the Robotic & Automation market in Italy, despite the economic conditions, or perhaps precisely because of them, has the 5th highest number of Robots applied in the world in relation to the number of workers. It is essential therefore, for the institution, to learn and understand how these machines work, design them, repair them, perhaps even invent new ways to apply the technology in real situations.

So it was decided to develop a project called "PROJECT ITIS", to donate robotic equipment to the school that can be used at their industrial workshops, for teaching, training and developing of innovative projects. Cavanna, in fact, considers it extremely important and useful to create a breeding ground and a widespread know-how in order to encourage the growth of the local and business knowledge base. Dr. Cavanna has emphasized how "this is not a pure and simple donation but an investment in the future. We really believe in this project and we are certain that the students do not have to be afraid of the economic situation but need to invest in themselves and in their education."