The long journey of the rice starts in the north of italy 20/09/2012

One of the elements that best characterize the Piedmont region is its endless expanse of rice fields. This extension ranks Italy first in Europe into rice production and first in the world for the quality and variety of the same.

To this date, the rice is grown in 113 countries and is the staple food for over half the world's population. Our area is not only the place where rice is grown, but also the one that is turned into crisp discs of rice, rice cakes, in products made from rice flour, such as crackers, and bars containing puffed rice. Foods that are used and at the base of a healthy balanced diet. Cavanna Packaging Group is an Italian industrial group based in Prato Sesia, near Novara, specialized in flowpack, a small wrapper that wraps a single product or group of products with a plastic film. Among the various sectors in which these types of packaging are used, the most important place is the whole food sector (industrial baking, biscuits, products for breakfast, sweet and savory snacks, chocolate bars, bread substitutes, coffee pods, cheese portions), but also the sector of rice cakes and crackers. Cavanna, leader in bakery and chocolate, has also entered the world of the rice producing some of the most advanced systems that have been commissioned and sold in the world, from Poland to Australia, to France. In Italy was born the collaboration with Riso Invernizzi S.p.A., a company family run since 1890, also inextricably linked, as Cavanna, at the area of Novara. Cavanna Packaging Group and Riso Invernizzi S.p.A. allow to continue the long journey of rice in Europe and in the world, building a plant highly automated and a technologically advanced package of rice crackers and pastries first in packs of 4 sheets and then insert in another bowl. The flaps are welded so as to protect and at the same time facilitate the opening to the final consumer. Riso Invernizzi S.p.A. has selected Cavanna because it allows to achieve two important advantages: wrap the product in portions, making it usable for consumption outside the home, and preserve the fragrance of a single sheet of rice, even for long periods of time. Do not forget also the fact that the automation of the packaging process has the prerogative to make the product more safety. With this plant Cavanna and Riso Invernizzi give a further impetus to the production and consumption of rice and diversification in the uses of a cereal that has always been a source of wealth for Novara's area.